Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Aduh!! Sakitnya......Baru lepas Accident...

Aduh tension gak rr...hari ni memang malang nasib aku kerana kecelakaan semata-mata mengelak daripada melanggar kereta..nasib baik kereta aku tak langgar kalau x mampus lah aku kene ganti rugi....tapi dalam kes siapa yg patut dipersalahkan...adakah aku @ ???...Entah i don't know...
So lepas nie aku kene lebih berhati2 lagi bila memandu dijalan raya....

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Monday, July 27, 2009

My Superhero for Fashion Design 02.

Why i choose the hellboy as my subjectmatter for fashion design???
Hellboy is a demon who has many powers. He is supernaturally strong and can lift huge objects and carry extreme loads of weight. His right hand is known as the, “Right Hand of Doom,” and is overly large, looking much like a gauntlet. He does not feel any pain with it and it is his main weapon of choice for hand to hand combat. It is said to be the right hand of a spirit who created and bound a dragon named Odgru Jahad, and the owner of the hand was destroyed by his fellow spirits for the act.
Some might think that because of his demonic background, he would be impervious to fire, and that may be true in the movies, but in the comics he is not. He does, however, have a unique healing ability that heals him extremely quickly from injuries. Coupled with a high endurance and damage resisitance, Hellboy has been able to survive battles no normal human ever could.
Hellboy also has access to many weapons and artifacts that allow him to battle supernatural enemies. His main weapon of choice is his sidearm dubbed, “Samaritan.” The bullets he uses are often filled with holy water, silver, or other items that aid in battling otherworldly creatures. With these devices, coupled with his natural abilities, Hellboy is a formidable opponent.

Sukan antara Jabatan FSSR 2009.

Buat kali pertama dalam hidup aku menyertai pertandingan acara sukan di UiTM. Acara sukan yang berlangsung memang meriah spt SureHeboh. Acara sukan yang aku sertai adalah Futsal dan Bowlin.
Team dari Dak2 Fesyen tak leh cakap apa lah...
diorang happy go lucky anytime n anywhere....
Acara sukan Futsal bermula pd kul 12.30tgh/hari,...
Aduh panas nak buat mcm mana dah itu timenya.....

Second Project - Mix media by Fazosin.

i like this project cus so easy to make it...

Media : Water Color, Pensel Color and POster Color.

First Project ZEro One - Drawing by Fazosin.

KL SEntral.

My best friend's.

Eja, FAzosin and fahmi.

Fashion trip 2009.

Dumb bell 2.75kg.

This is my life with dumb bell to make my body fit.
I LOVE to go gym when i free,..

Sometimes i love swimming with my friend's...

Endangered Species.

This is my painting, what i want to say..
i'm study about endangered species.
I'm love this painting cus it's so detail and realistic but this painting sudah berada di Gallery UiTM Perak...
So tinggal kenangan saja....
Maybe next time i will make it a new painting for sell for anyone....
I think.....
Siapa2 yang berminat with my painting, boleh buat tempahan kot.....

Study about Silhouette.

For zero one, I'm study about Silhouette from 1900 until now. It's not easy to make it. But i try to do the Best..Thank for Pn. Hasma cus believe me..What i have got??..

I got A++ in Fashion Design for the first time..I'm so lucky cus apa yang diimpikan tercapai akhir....

Wish for Peace

This is all my Friend's from fashion student at UiTM Shah Alam and one of them is my Roomate (Choas Brigade).This is so beautiful moment in my life.From left Fazosin, Lucy Muneera, Zeed Jamil, Noreen Hashim, Ijatt, Choas Brigade, Lynn, Garlic, Anuar and Nanie( Sweet Girl ).

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Super Power as a young designer.

From left Shahril Azlan, Zeed Jamil, Lucy muneera , Fazosin and Anuar.
I will remember this event...I think this is the best Fashion Show...Gempak gak rr....


Istana Bonda...itulah singkatan yang boleh dibuat, Bagi aku inilah satu lakaran imej lukisan yang boleh aku gambarkan sebagai hadiah sebuah rumah kepada MyMum & MY DAD. Walaupun perjalanan hidup aku masih jauh bagi mengajar cita-cita, aku akan sedaya upaya untuk menjadikan cita-cita aku itu suatu realiti. Dengan berkat doa kedua orang tuaku....insyallah cita-cita aku tercapai....Yang penting aku tidak lupa akan jasa mereka dan tidak menjadi anak yang DERHAKA...insyallah........

Malam sebelum fashion show.Time ni semua busy. Memang meriah macam pasar malam. Kenangan yang aku x boleh lupakan sampai bila-bila....

Khalid Punya!!!,.... my Senior..Wah Meletopp..

Ini adalah saat yang aku tunggu. Fashion Show budak2 semester akhir. Gempak dan berbakat, itu lah yang aku boleh katakan.

I love MeatBall...

Teringat aku masa belajar di UiTM Perak,...aku ni berangan lah nak pergi IKEA. Tapi tak dapat pergi kerana tak ada siapa yang nak bawa aku pergi sana.Masa tu aku hanya mampu berangan saja. And the last time,..aku dapat gak pergi sana buat kali pertama bersama kawan baru aku, budak2 textile Nadia (Dodo ), Sarah (Lucy), and Anuar....
Makanan paling best pernah aku makan kat sana adalah Meatball..BEst Siot....Rasa nikmatnya macam berada disyurga...memang sedapppp......

My Sweet Momento 2009.

Time nie Trip aku kat Melaka sem 01 sebagai budak fesyen diUiTm Shah Alam...Best giller,....
Lyn, Sarah n aku (Pejo)....KOnongnya berangan lah bergambar kat Oversea....hehehehee..

UiTM di hatiku 2009.

Begitu cepat masa berlalu. Kini aku sudah masuk semester kedua sebagai pelajar fesyen. Tak sabar rasanya nak belajar benda baru dari tenaga pengajar yang berpengalaman dalam industri fesyen. Walaubagaimana pun, bukan senang untuk berjaya, pelbagai dugaan yang harus aku tempuhi sebelum bergelar "Young Fashion Designer"..Itu adalah matlamat utama aku belajar di UiTM dalam jurusan Seni Reka Fesyen.