istyle KLIA is Malaysia Airports' maiden effort in organising a styling competition to challenge the creativity and provide a platform for participants to design a desired look using fashion products available at KLIA. It showcases the product offerings at KLIA that range from local to international fashion apparels and accessories. It is part of the effort of evolving KLIA into a shopping destination in itself.istyle KLIA is a 3-episode fashion/styling event where student from local fashion/design institutions compete in the assembling of the best styles by using a variety of apparels and accessories available at KLIA. 
This is my friends from left Muliadi, Fazosin and Wany.

Time ni memang best lah bergambar dengan Finalis (Mohd Zabidi b. Abd. Hamid). I'm so lucky cus dapat tgk show secara live...thanks BD

TQ sooo much for pejo,Mul n Ms.nano tembam cz come 2 my GALA nite iSTYLE KLiA,,,,
ReplyDeleteI hv a good time & experience with u guys,,,
tq beb,,,,